Hosted by dynamic security expert Paul Viollis, every episode of “The Security Brief” begins with a dramatic true crime story filled with twists, turns, and reveals. Each edge-of-your-seat cautionary tale in this daily, one-hour talk show offers real-world solutions designed to help you protect yourself, your family, your relationships, your home, and your property. At once entertaining and empowering, “The Security Brief” is the ultimate daily survival guide for keeping America’s families safe.
Paul Viollis is a career law enforcement professional who rose from service in the Manhattan District Attorney’s office to roles as a security specialist under the United States Space Command and as a commanding officer at a Florida police academy. His business résumé includes being VP at the international security firm Kroll, where he served on their post-9/11 threat assessment team, and CEO of his current security firm. He is the author of “Jane’s Workplace Security“ and a contributor to ”Jane’s School Safety’s Handbook,“ ”Jane’s Teachers’ Safety Guide,“ and ”Jane’s Crisis Communications Handbook.” His latest book, “Silent Safety,” defines all the best practices for personal safety. An internationally known public speaker, Paul Viollis is also the host of “The Security Brief” podcast at CBS’s PLAY.ITnetwork.
Paul Viollis is a career law enforcement professional who rose from service in the Manhattan District Attorney’s office to roles as a security specialist under the United States Space Command and as a commanding officer at a Florida police academy. His business résumé includes being VP at the international security firm Kroll, where he served on their post-9/11 threat assessment team, and CEO of his current security firm. He is the author of “Jane’s Workplace Security“ and a contributor to ”Jane’s School Safety’s Handbook,“ ”Jane’s Teachers’ Safety Guide,“ and ”Jane’s Crisis Communications Handbook.” His latest book, “Silent Safety,” defines all the best practices for personal safety. An internationally known public speaker, Paul Viollis is also the host of “The Security Brief” podcast at CBS’s PLAY.ITnetwork.
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